SACGC @ Silicon Valley

About the program

SACGC, in collaboration with Mind the Bridge, is excited to announce an exclusive 10-day AI-focused innovation program in Silicon Valley. This program is designed to help Kuwaiti innovators scale their ideas, understand the US market, and make meaningful connections with key business partners and potential customers.

SACGC @ Silicon Valley

Program Modules

Silicon Valley
Secret Sauce

How to create a Silicon Valley style investor deck

AI market trends

in the age of AI

Raising Venture Capital as an AI company

AI tools for growth

Networking & Value Proposition Workshop

Founders Talks,Silicon Valley Company & University Visits

SACGC @ Silicon Valley

Important dates

SACGC @ Silicon Valley

Program Highlights & Benefits

SACGC @ Silicon Valley

What SACGC will cover for you?

SACGC @ Silicon Valley

Terms and Conditions

  • Open to Kuwaiti nationals only
  • Priority Age group from 21 to 35.
  • SACGC will select 6 Innovators with actual product  or at least MVP or Beta stage AI technology-driven solutions within the following sectors:(Education, Health, Water and food security, Energy and environment, Digital transformation)
  • Effective communication skills, with proficiency in English, are required.
  • Participants must commit to attending the full duration of the program.
  • All participants must sign a confidentiality agreement to protect shared proprietary information.
  • Intellectual Property: SACGC and Mind the Bridge reserve the right to use participant information for media promotional purposes.
  • Visa: Participants are responsible for obtaining any necessary visas one month before the trip.
SACGC @ Silicon Valley

Selection Criteria


How the Selection Committee Works:

  • SACGC Primary Selection Committee:

    • A dedicated committee of professionals, each an expert in the targeted sectors, will assess and evaluate every applicant.
  • Final Selection Committee:

    • The final selection will be conducted by Mind The Bridge, based on the following criteria: